miércoles, 12 de junio de 2019

Resultado de imagen de patologia microbiologia y bioquimicaHi, everyone today I will talk about my favorite subject in my major this year, however, it is not the only one I like.

Resultado de imagen de fisiologìaMy favorite subject this year is “Bases científicas y clínicas para el diagnóstico 1" (Scientific and clinic bases for the Diagnosis 1). I like it because it covers four different topics: physiology, biochemistry, microbiology and pathology. All of them are very interesting because they allow me to understand most of the processes that occur in the human body but seen from different areas of knowledge, so I can understand better the contents since they are all related to each other. I have also noticed that I like it a lot because I don`t get bored when I studying it, even if I have to read a lot of material.

I also like it because it is a mixture of all the things I liked last year: histology, chemistry and anatomy.

Imagen relacionadaResultado de imagen de bioquimicaAnother reason why I like the subject is for the teachers, since they maintain a constant communication with the students to know the difficulties that everyone has regarding the subject or to agree when doing the exam calendar, what makes the process much more pleasant.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hahaha, I'm a biochemistry delegate for the same, because the teachers are always worried and in constant communication.

  2. OMG I like this subject a lot too !! Specially the biochemistry part :( I'm anticipating the last part of the subject <3
